Child Soldier

Child Soldier

Setting of the Book

Sierra Leone, 1993-1997

New York City, 1998

Mood: The mood is mostly one of horror and fear throughout as Ishmael makes his way through war. However, it becomes uplifting and hopeful when he is successful in finding peace.

Key Facts

Date Published:


Meaning of the Title:

It refers to the actual and emotional distance Ishmael travels from being a lost soul as a boy soldier to a young man who can function and contribute to society.


Ishmael Beah


Ishmael’s inner self

Child Soldiers

Child Soldiers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How I Feel On Reading This Book

This is very scary and painful to read. I give you credit for surviving and getting past all of your difficulties. It is very touching and I am happy you survived to tell the story. I'm also very glad, that you are one of those rare people, who can put your experiences into words that other people can appreciate what they have and learn from them. This is definitely a book I wish would have been on our Summer Reading List because I think it would give our spoiled society a feeling of reality and hopefully it would wake them up to all the suffering, death, and tragedy happening beyond the fiction of movies. Ishmael Beah has touched my heart. I often wonder how him or anyone else remained healthy during this time. I recommend this book to everyone. It recalls painful images, but is a part of history that we cannot ignore. This book is truly an inspiration to all of us living in dream worlds and well of societies. Thank You and God Bless.

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